

We all know that the more complicated a password is, the better. 它们应该包括各种数字, 标点符号, 符号, 还有大写字母和小写字母. But are these precautions enough to keep your digital information safe?

推特, 雅虎, and LinkedIn have all fallen prey to online attackers who have stolen entire databases full of passwords. 为了安全起见,密码被打乱了, but this offers little comfort when computer programs can make millions of guesses in just a few hours. Because most passwords are based on words in a dictionary combined with a number or symbol, it can take these 复杂的 programs even less time to hack them.1,2

The end result is that common password policies don't prevent the theft of many users' passwords, 这就产生了一个复合体, 复杂的, 以及利润丰厚的影子产业. Believe it or not, stolen passwords can fetch big money on the black market.3

这对你来说意味着什么? It means that every password you’ve created is a valuable and vulnerable commodity worth protecting.

To do so, you should go a step beyond choosing passwords that are hard for a human to guess. Your passwords need to also be difficult for a computer to figure out. 这里有一些建议.


Longer passwords are more difficult to crack. A minimum of 12 characters is recommended. Consider stringing together the first couple letters of a favorite movie quote, song lyric, or poem. For extra-sensitive accounts, it may make sense to change your passwords on a regular basis. If you like the idea of optimal password protection, but worry you won’t be able to handle many, 频繁更改密码, 密码管理器可以帮助您组织, 商店, 安全使用多个密码.4


简单的数字串, along with passwords that can be found in the dictionary, 是最容易破解的吗. A strong password should contain one or more uppercase and lowercase characters, 数字, 符号, 甚至是unicode字符.


Many people use the same password for multiple accounts because it’s easier to remember. But this could lead to serious consequences. You may not be too concerned about the personal information 商店d in your LinkedIn or 推特 accounts, but what would happen if hackers used your compromised password to access your email, 经纪公司, 或者银行账户? If you have trouble remembering multiple passwords, you may want to keep a list on your computer, but don’t 商店 it on your desktop or in your inbox. Give the file a misleading name and bury it in a folder where only you can find it.

There’s no such thing as an impregnable password. 仍然, putting personal information behind a basic password is like leaving your Porsche in a parking lot with your keys on the dash. By taking preventative measures to strengthen your password, you may be able to help safeguard your sensitive personal data and your privacy.

1. Upguard.2023年5月1日
2. CyberNews.2023年3月16日
3. LinkedIn.2023年3月7日
4. CyberNews.2023年4月5日

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务专业人士 for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by 手机赌博软件下载 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. FMG Suite is not affiliated with the named broker-dealer, state- or SEC-registered investment advisory firm. 所表达的意见和 material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or 出售任何证券. 版权 手机赌博软件下载.


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